Hackney, Benjamin P. – Hubbard, Simeon Name Location Hackney, Benjamin P. Johnson Township Hackway, John R. Johnson Township Haggard, James Jackson Township Haggard, Susan J....
Fleenor, Milton – Hacker, Charles Name Location Fleenor, Milton Jackson Township Fleetwood, Eleanor Johnson Township Fleetwood, Elizabeth Washington Township Fleetwood, Franklin Johnson Township Fleetwood,...
Daggy, James S. – Fleenor, Eliza J. Daggy, James S. Jackson Township Daggy, Samuel Jackson Township Darling, Jackson Van Buren Township David, Lewis Jackson Township David,...
Calvin, John – Daggy, Jacob Calvin, John Hamblin Township Calvin, Luther Hamblin Township Calvin, Thomas Hamblin Township Campbell, John A. Hamblin Township Campbell, Joseph...
Bales, Eden – Calvin, James Name Location Bales, Eden Van Buren Township Barker, Byron J. Van Buren Township Barker, Owen Jackson Township Barker, Richard...
Abby, Amanda – Bales, Andrew Name Location Abby, Amanda Jackson Township Abby, James P. Jackson Township Adams, David B. Jackson Township Adams, John Washington...
Truman Kilborn Truman Kilborn and Elizabeth Warner Truman2 Kilborn, (James1), 1818-1880, aged 62. 1 Truman was born in Leeds County, Upper...
Andrew Hamilton Andrew Hamilton Andrew2 Hamilton, (George1), 25 January 1835-5 February 1857. 1 Andrew was the fifth child and third son...
The Ahnentafel Chart The Ahnentafel Chart Ahnentafel is a German word meaning ancestor table or chart. An Ahnentafel Chart is a respected...
Chester County Genealogy Chester County, PA and the genealogy of its people have been a part of my life for so long...